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Tokoyo: The Tower of Perpetuity

Reference 52309
Brand GED Reference 52309
VAT included

VAT included

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Purchase details

Estimated Delivery

The delivery times indicated are estimated times. They may vary depending on various factors, such as weather conditions, holidays or other unexpected events. View details

Returns and refunds

Our consumer customers have the right to cancel the relevant purchase contract within fourteen (14) days of receiving the product. Before proceeding it is recommended to View the details

Secure payments

Enjoy encrypted and secure payments. View details

Product Presentations: Tokoyo: The Tower of Perpetuity

Ti ritrovi intrappolato in una misteriosa torre, che trasforma la sua stessa struttura ogni 24 ore.
Leredit della tua epica lotta sar scolpita nei cuori di coloro che ti sfidano come un epitaffio. Supera innumerevoli povere anime cadute e fatti strada verso la cima mai vista prima!

Technical specifications